






96年大學指考 (每題4分)


The rapid development of public transportation has shortened the distance between urban and country


Because of high speed rail, we can travel Taiwan from north to south  and return in half a day


1. 為提供一個無煙的用餐環境,許多餐廳不允許室內抽煙。

Many restaurants prohibit smoking indoors for the sake of no-smoking environment

2. 雖然遭到許多癮君子的反對,這對不抽煙的人的確是一大福音。

Although many people who like to smoke oppose this measure, which is really a good news for those who don’t smoke



1. 身為地球村的成員,我們不應把自己侷限在這個小島上。

As a member of the global village, we shouldn’t  restrict ourselves on the little island

2. 我們不但應該參與國際性的活動,並且應該展現我們自己的文化特色。

We should not only participate in international activities , but also display our cultural features.


(a) 科技讓我們的生活更舒適,然而它也被利用來犯罪。

Technology makes our lives more comfortable, but it can  be used to commit crime.

(b) 根據最近的新聞報導,最常見的例子是網際網路詐財(Internet scams)。

According to recent news, the most common example is Internet scams


(a) 關渡(Guandu)位於台灣的西北部,是觀賞鳥類最佳的地點之一。

Guandu is located in northwestern Taiwan, which is one of the best places to observe birds

(b) 在這裡你會看到不同的鳥類,有些甚至是在台灣極為罕見的。

You would watch many kinds of birds, some of which are even very rare in Taiwan.



1. 如果我們只為自己而活,就不會真正地感到快樂。

We can’t really feel happy, if we live only for ourselves

2. 當我們開始為他人著想,快樂之門自然會開啟。

When we begin to care about others, we will be happy.


1. 一般人都知道閱讀對孩子有益。

It is common sense that reading is beneficial for children

2. 老師應該多鼓勵學生到圖書館借書

Teachers should encourage students to borrow books in libraries.



1. 人類對外太空所知非常有限, 但長久以來我們對它卻很感興趣。

Humans know little about outerspace, but we are very interested in it for a long time.

2. 太空科技的快速發展,使我們得以探索它的奧秘。

The rapid development of space technology makes us to explore its mysteries


1.  雖然Lily生來又瞎又聾, 但他從來不氣餒。

Although Lily was born blind and deaf, she is never discouraged

2.  她的故事證明了,我們只要努力必能成功。

Her story proved that We can success if working hard.年大學學測皆無翻譯 只有閱測簡答



1. 以前,我常常到書店去

 I often went to bookstores in the past, mainly to browse through some books

2. 主要是隨便看看一些書


3. 有時會買一些小說來讀

I could sometimes buy some novels to read.

4. 現在因為忙著準備考試

Because of being busy preparing the test, I have no time to find novels.

5. 再也沒時間去找小說了



1. 我們即將進入二十一世紀

We will soon approach 21 centuries, when people would live longer

2. 那時,人們會活的更長久


3. 那的確是個好消息

It is indeed a good news, but there will be a problem.

4. 但是會有一個問題


5. 更多的老人必須由更少的年輕人奉養

More elder people need to be raised by less young ones.


1. 每次放假, 我都會到台灣某個地方旅行

I always take a trip somewhere in Taiwan on vacation

2. 今年春假, 我和一些同學搭巴士到墾丁國家公園

I took a bus to National  Kunting Park with my classmats this spring vacation

3. 我們在那兒待了三天, 很欣賞那裏的山林和海洋

We stayed there for three days, and appreciated its mountains and ocean.

4. 這學期還沒結束, 可是我們就在計畫夏天的旅行了

This semester has not finished yet, but we already plan the travel in the summer

5. 我們大概會到台灣東部去, 因為那兒風景很美

We probably take a trip to eastern Taiwan, because the scenery is very beautiful there.



1. 台灣的生活最近十年變了很多

Life in Taiwan has changed very much recent decade.

2. 年輕的一代有許多新的生活方式

Young generation has many new life styles, which are very different from their parents.

3. 和她們父母親那一輩相當不同


4. 舉個例, 很多年輕人喜歡吃美式速食, 喝加糖飲料

For instance, there are many young people like to eat American fast food and drink sugar beverages, but the old generation prefer to eat Chinese food and drink Chinese tea.

5. 而老一輩的大多寧可吃中國菜, 喝中國茶



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